A downloadable game for Windows

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Attack On Titan Arena is a fun small game with 5 different modes. Play as a Titan or see what if scenarios like what if humans where the giant ones or if titans were tiny! There are still lots of issues like typos, kinda wonky AI at times, broken animations, and more. These are all being fixed right now and as I fix and improve things I will release free updates. Please be patient as these issues are ironed out but the version that is up now is perfectly playable besides some errors here and there. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs feel free to tell me and I will consider your idea or try to find a fix. Hope you download it and enjoy it! See you on the field soldier!

Last Screenshot is a teaser ;)

Future Plans:
- Add in more titan enemies
- Add in more modes
- Keep Improving AI
- Iron out bugs
- Add more levels

- and more!

Known bugs or planned features:
- Add in more Titans as stated above (One new enemy added with more to come)
- Add in 3rd person (Almost done)
- Titan Player goes into T Pose after attacking (Fixed)
- Broken grapple at times (being investigated)
- Broken sword at times too (being investigated) 
- Volume slider (not started yet)
- Mouse sensitivity slider (not started yet)
- Titans in Titan vs Titan not dealing damage (being worked on)
- if you find more bugs or have more ideas tell me and I will add them to the list!

New things that are done or currently being worked on:

- A new level (being worked on)

- Sound effects on the Titans (Added)

- More titan enemies (One new enemy added with more to come)

- Fixed Titan T pose (Fixed)
Feedback is appreciated :D


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Attack On Titan Arena 2.0.zip 1 GB

Development log


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is this online or only single player?


Single player!


is this vr only?

No, this games actually doesn't have any VR support 

it just looks like it is vr

don’t know why it would look like that to you but if you boot it up there is no VR elements to this game 

Definetly not bad, feel like it need a new movement system this one is kinda too hard and rigid. Feel like it could be really good if it gets some TCL if you know what I mean.

I have gotten a lot better at movement recently so maybe o ne day I'll come back to this and improve it!

With the new update out if you guys see any big issues I missed before I packaged the game please tell me in the comments here! Thank you and enjoy the game :D

Hey guys know it's been awhile but today I am gonna release an update! Im packaging the game right now as I type this! Will write more about what is included in the update once its done!


I liked it very much! It is perfect to practice virtual photography, I leave you a capture :D 

wow that is a really awesome picture! 


Shit wtf this is impressive for a fan game

haha thank you! I haven't updated this game yet in awhile but I do have one ready for it in the near future, so just trying to say this game isn't dead yet! thank you so much for enjoying it!

(1 edit)

The next update is coming along really well! I am a thinking of just releasing it instead of it being in the "in development" phase! I have done enough and fixed enough problems that i am confident in it as a game to release the full complete game, recently the attention to the game hasn't been the best but I don't mind i still love this project and plan on keeping the updates coming!!

Once i think this game is done and am not planning any more updates i will start a new project that i hope is also received well!!

it's a great game, congratulations. I would have a suggestion that you can see in the future, that of creating a hybrid class of human and titan just like in the anime, so we could have a character that alternates between human and titan

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

I really like that idea!! I even have some ideas of how i could code that into the game! I definitely will add that to the game!!! I'll make sure to notify you when it is added!! Awesome idea thank you for it!!

I might replace the titan vs titan player character to one of the hybrids, or make a new gamemode? Hmm

it's a great idea to add battles between titans and hybrids. Thank you for listening to the suggestion, your project is well underway, congratulations

Yeah I love your idea, such a simple concept considering this is aot themed but somehow flew over my head haha, once i get time i will finish up the next big update, and once that's out I'll start working on your idea!

is the hybrid done yet this game is amazing i love what u did and the features are soo good

1,000 Downloads! Thank you guys for the support, it means a lot, I really love this project so it's awesome to see so many people downloading and playing it! Thank you again! 

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey guys idk if anyone will reply to this but would anyone be interest in a mobile version of this after this game is further improved?

If I get 5 replies to this I will do it :)

Or at least try


Go on fam, I believe in you




Pog idea

Two more replies and I add it to the "to do list"! 


yes you can do it


This was pretty funny game lol! good luck on working on this game tho 😄

Haha thank you for making a video on it! Yeah i still have a long way to go! Lots of small things that hold my game back also happen to be the hardest parts to fix but seeing as this project is getting a good amount of support i want to keep working on it so thank you for the luck!


mf this game is gold the models (pieck) is horrifying. love the game wish i could play without lag tho...

Glad you are enjoying it! On the lag thing yeah this game is kind of intensive on computers, due to the high poly models, I will look into adding in more setting options to help your performance out though!


thank you...thank you sir


mac when????????

Sadly never because I do not own a mac and I am pretty sure I would need one in order to get this game working on that platform

A youtuber made a video of this game and I would first like to start off by thanking him! It was really cool seeing someone play my game and giving feedback! Watching it I have noticed I haven't made it clear enough to the player how to play or the mechanics of the game. As I have aknowledged before the AI is broken right now but I have some improvements coming in an update that is just around the corner, I am going to plan adding in a tutorial on how to play the game properly, and I'm going to fix the AI as much as I can. If you guys have any more feedback for me please tell me and I will gladly try to keep improving this game! Have fun guys!


My game is almost at 100 downloads and I would like to thank everyone who has download or will download! I hope you are enjoying it and feel free to report any bugs or share any suggestions! :D